Posted in: Inspiration, Photos | No Comments | May 1, 2012
It is such a delight to get a book from fellow traveler while on the road, traveling the world, open it while we have time and focus to dive into it and travel for few days within our travel.
Being on the road as backpackers, books like people & places are mind expending and are very important part of our journey.
We keep saying every time we have to pack the backpacks to the next destination that we have to give up few of them, but again and again we find out that the pack of books we carry in our backpack gear are just growing.
Now with Ebook and Ipad joining our journey we hope this part will be solved.
Tim Ferriss’s book is about gaining the courage to streamlining your life… But even more than that, it challenges the reader to seriously consider an essential, yet rarely asked question: What do I really want from my life?
Although much of the advice the author gives I already use and are well know to most of us , it is very useful in making you significantly more productive.
It is a great inspirational book with a great number of useful methods for improving work and life balance.
Shantaram is one of those books that you wait to find for years. You know how it is. Once you open the first page the entire world stop around you, and the reality of the book become the only reality for you for several days, you can’t place it down until its last page and then you wish you had additional 1000 pages.
Shantaram is a love story from start to finish: love of mankind, love of friends, love of a woman, love of a country, love of a city, love of a way of life, love of a people, love of adventure, and, most apparent, love for the reader.
Truly inspiring book
This book crossed our way few days after we have been trekking high in the Himalaya and heard amazing story from a fellow traveler about being dead and managing to come back.
It sure makes you think. It makes sense when you can’t find sense in anything.
Made us think of how we perceive life and death, and our being in this world.
This book is journey of faith, of trust, of forgiveness, of love, of self-discovery, and of battling the darkness within ourselves, and wanting to change. As Paulo states, “Faith is a different conquest, and it requires daily combat in order to maintained.
My favorite books are the ones that transport me from my world into someone else’s and by that criteria, The White Tiger is 100% successful. I admired this novel rather than enjoyed it, same like reading Shantaram it gave me an insight into India that is not revealed to us when traveling. Some of the different worlds of India may well be accurately depicted, and they are neither comfortable nor pleasant. The tension between the haves and the have-nots that underpin this story and the modern slavery that are the destiny of so many.
Mr Vertigo by Paul Auster is magical book.I got it on Havalock island and start reading it with the beautiful ocean in front of me, I never wanted to finish reading it!
Auster writes it in such a delightful, realistic fashion that never once do i doubt what i read. His dialogues are pure joy.
Tell no one by Harlen Coben is one of this books you either read on a flight or on a beach vacation like i did ( again beautiful Andaman Islands ) when you feel like having something light, never Coben books before and was not expecting much of it, enjoyable read if you don’t expect master piece.